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Business Agility Foundations


Stay Ahead With Business Agility

Understanding business agility is essential for navigating today’s complex and fast-paced environment. It enables organizations to adapt, innovate, and respond effectively to changes, ensuring success, growth, and sustainability.

Our Business Agility Foundations course boosts professional growth, leadership skills, and competitiveness. It empowers you to drive success, navigate uncertainty, foster collaboration, and elevate your career.

Embrace business agility to stay ahead. Gain new knowledge, skills, and a strong network while enjoying a stimulating learning experience. Our interactive sessions encourage sharing, discussion, and hands-on learning.

Don’t miss out—sign up today and unlock new skills, practical tools, and opportunities for success!

What You'll Learn:

Our course is a dynamic two-day workshop or ten engaging two-hour online sessions that lead to a Professional Certification in Business Agility Foundations (ICP-BAF) with Agile People and ICAgile.

  • Understand the importance of business agility in today’s dynamic and competitive business environment. Explore the drivers and benefits of adopting an approach for organizational success and adaptability.

  • Develop a growth mindset that fosters innovation, resilience, and continuous learning within your organization. Learn techniques to embrace challenges, value feedback, and seek opportunities for growth and improvement.

  • Acquire the knowledge and skills to implement and sustain business agility practices effectively. Explore methodologies, frameworks, and organizational structures that enable flexibility, collaboration, and responsiveness. Discover approaches to overcome challenges and promote a culture of adaptability.

  • Gain practical insights into developing action plans and using tools to accelerate business agility. Learn to identify and prioritize areas for improvement, create actionable strategies, and leverage tools and technologies that enhance agility.


Leaders at all levels who see the value of growing a flexible, fast-paced organization that can quickly adjust to rapid changes in the Business Landscape.

Agile Coaches

Consultants that want to deepen their agile understanding to support customers in agile transformations better.


Consultants that want to deepen their understanding about flexible and agility to support customers in agile transformations better.


HR professionals at all levels want to enhance Business Agility, provide a superior employee experience and use agile methods to meet the needs of their organization.

Who Is The Training For

What Differentiates Our Training

Interactive Learning

Our approach emphasizes interactive group work, enabling participants to learn from one another through shared experiences and knowledge during engaging group discussions.

Professional Certificate

The course leads to a Professional Certification with ICAgile. To ensure top-quality learning experiences against proven Learning Outcomes, our courses are accredited by ICAgile, a leading global agile accreditation and certification body.

Agile People Campus

With both the online and in-person workshop, you will gain access to our Learning Management System (LMS), where you can delve into the theory and acquire in-depth knowledge of the subject matter at your phase.

Practical Tools And A New Network

The training will teach you new skills and practical tools while establishing valuable connections. As part of our commitment to your agile journey, we organize regular events to enrich your learning experience further.

Upcoming Training

Enhance your professional skills with our Agile People and ICAgile Certification courses. Choose between an immersive 2-day workshop or ten dynamic 2-hour online sessions led by experienced trainers. Each path is designed to boost your expertise and adaptability in today’s rapidly changing business environment.


Gain practical skills and insights to thrive professionally. Register now to take your career to the next level!

Detailed Course Description

The Need for Business Agility

In today's Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA) environment, business agility is more and more critical for success. The new competitive edge is the new values and principles and self-organizing teams with the right mix of diverse people working close to the customers' experience and empowered to make decisions.

Emergent Strategy and Value Creation

Aligning teams around a vital purpose and focusing on generating a vision is essential to providing inspiration and creating high performance. It's imperative to empathize with customers to maximize customer value and make it visible to focus on value creation.

Frameworks Tools and Techniques

Agile is about adapting to change. You adapt to the customers' changing needs and work according to priorities to deliver the customer's most significant value early. Using a Lean StartUp approach, you can test your hypothesis with a Minimum Viable Product. Using Scrum, Kanban, and Value Stream Mapping in the whole company differs from using them for Software development. What are examples, and how can you design your processes using agile methods of working?

New Ways of Thinking and Behaving

Recognizing and understanding complex adaptive system dynamics accelerates the path toward Business Agility. It is not only our organization's dynamics that we should understand and manage with "Polarity Management" and "Cynefin Decision Making Model" but also our thinking & behaving patterns by the concept of the "Ladder of Inference."

 Business Agility as the New Normal

In today's fast-moving and complex environments, we need to be much more responsive and adaptable to navigate the complexity. To succeed, we need to:

  • Understand and make sense of changing business challenges.

  • Make decisions and take action even without complete information.

  • Create a culture where everyone can perform at their best.


In this session, we will recap the impact on business and explore what is needed to embrace agility in our VUCA world. Join us to deepen your understanding and learn how to navigate the complexities of today's business landscape.

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