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Hur aktivt utvecklar du ditt ledarskap?

Att utöva bra ledarskap sker inte av en slump. För att bli den ledare du strävar efter att vara måste du aktivt utveckla dina ledaregenskaper.

Morgondagens ledarse behöver omfamna teknologi, uttrycka en tydlig vision och syfte, vara flexbelt och anpassningsbart, främja inklusivitet och mångfald, uppmuntra samarbete och nätverk, prioritera kontinuerligt lärande, visa emotionell intelligens och empati, samt upprätthålla etiska och hållbara metoder.

Varför välja vårt program?


För att inspirera andra och leda förändringar måste du först förstå och transformera dig själv. Vårt omfattande program Agility in Leadership kombinerar tre kurser för att ge en djup förståelse av agilt ledarskap. Detta program hjälper dig att utveckla ett flexibelt tankesätt, förbättra dina ledarfärdigheter och att driva inflytelserik förändring i dynamiska affärsmiljöer.

Lär dig navigera i komplexitet och förverkliga ditt ledarpotential med vårt program. Skaffa ett smidigt tankesätt, höj dina färdigheter och led effektivt i dagens snabba värld. Stärk ditt team, driva meningsfull förändring och håll dig före konkurrensen.

Investera i din tillväxt och bli den ledare du strävar efter att vara. Anmäl dig till programmet Agility in Leadership idag och transformera din ledarresa.


Ledare på alla nivåer som ser värdet av att utveckla en samarbetsorienterad, människocentrerad organisation och som är engagerade i att utveckla sina team.

Agila Coacher

Agila coacher som vill lära sig mer om den mänskliga aspekten av agila arbetssätt för att bättre kunna bygga effektiva team och samarbete i organisationer.


Konsulter som vill fördjupa sig i hur man motiverar och utvecklar medarbetare för att bättre kunna stödja kunder i omställningar.


HR-proffs på alla nivåer vill förbättra flexibilitet och anpassningsbarhet i företaget, erbjuda en attraktiv medarbetarupplevelse och anpassa sin service för att bättre möta organisationens behov.

Vem passar utbildningen för

  • This session explores why agility is essential in today’s fast-changing business landscape. You’ll learn how to adapt to different situations and needs by mastering the roles of mentor, teacher, facilitator, and coach. The session emphasizes the critical balance between processes and human dynamics—helping you foster individual growth, shift mindsets, and drive cultural transformation for long-term organizational success.

  • This session explores why agility is essential in today’s fast-changing business landscape. You’ll learn how to adapt to different situations and needs by mastering the roles of mentor, teacher, facilitator, and coach. The session emphasizes the critical balance between processes and human dynamics—helping you foster individual growth, shift mindsets, and drive cultural transformation for long-term organizational success.

  • Master the tools and techniques that bring agility to life across your organization. Agile methodologies prioritize adaptability to change, particularly in response to evolving customer needs. In this session, you’ll learn how to prioritize tasks for maximum customer value, validate ideas using a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), and adapt proven methodologies like Scrum, Kanban, and Value Stream Mapping to suit your unique needs. Through iterative development, continuous feedback, and cross-functional collaboration, you’ll discover how to streamline operations, improve service delivery, and drive innovation in a fast-paced world.

  • This session explores how to navigate complex organizational dynamics using tools like Polarity Management and the Cynefin Decision-Making Model. You’ll also gain insights into your own thinking and behavior patterns with the Ladder of Inference, helping you make more agile, effective decisions. By understanding both organizational systems and personal interactions, you’ll be equipped to foster adaptability and drive meaningful change.

  • In today’s fast-moving and complex world, agility is essential for navigating uncertainty and driving success. This session focuses on how to make sense of challenges in ever-changing environments, make effective decisions with limited information, and foster a culture where everyone can perform at their best. You’ll explore the impact of agility on business, the risks of a structure/culture misfit, and the common pitfalls that can hinder transformation—helping you build resilience and adaptability for the future.

5 Sessions of Leading With Agility (ICP-LEA)

  • Explore why leadership must evolve in response to today’s fast-changing environment. Understand the gap between traditional leadership mindsets and what modern teams need to perform at their best.

  • Discover how leadership styles impact agility. Explore the evolution of leadership models, the role of power and influence, and the key competencies leaders must develop to drive transformation.

  • Great leadership starts with self-awareness. Learn how cognitive biases influence decision-making and explore tools to develop self-leadership, emotional intelligence, and resilience.

  • Put self-leadership into action. Learn the Clear Leadership Model and apply coaching, feedback, and conflict resolution techniques to enhance collaboration and trust in teams.

  • Effective leadership is built on strong communication. Develop skills in narrative leadership, storytelling, and productive conversations to engage, inspire, and influence others.

  • This session explores why agility is essential in today’s fast-changing business landscape. You’ll learn how to adapt to different situations and needs by mastering the roles of mentor, teacher, facilitator, and coach. The session emphasizes the critical balance between processes and human dynamics—helping you foster individual growth, shift mindsets, and drive cultural transformation for long-term organizational success.

  • This session explores why agility is essential in today’s fast-changing business landscape. You’ll learn how to adapt to different situations and needs by mastering the roles of mentor, teacher, facilitator, and coach. The session emphasizes the critical balance between processes and human dynamics—helping you foster individual growth, shift mindsets, and drive cultural transformation for long-term organizational success.

  • Master the tools and techniques that bring agility to life across your organization. Agile methodologies prioritize adaptability to change, particularly in response to evolving customer needs. In this session, you’ll learn how to prioritize tasks for maximum customer value, validate ideas using a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), and adapt proven methodologies like Scrum, Kanban, and Value Stream Mapping to suit your unique needs. Through iterative development, continuous feedback, and cross-functional collaboration, you’ll discover how to streamline operations, improve service delivery, and drive innovation in a fast-paced world.

  • This session explores how to navigate complex organizational dynamics using tools like Polarity Management and the Cynefin Decision-Making Model. You’ll also gain insights into your own thinking and behavior patterns with the Ladder of Inference, helping you make more agile, effective decisions. By understanding both organizational systems and personal interactions, you’ll be equipped to foster adaptability and drive meaningful change.

  • In today’s fast-moving and complex world, agility is essential for navigating uncertainty and driving success. This session focuses on how to make sense of challenges in ever-changing environments, make effective decisions with limited information, and foster a culture where everyone can perform at their best. You’ll explore the impact of agility on business, the risks of a structure/culture misfit, and the common pitfalls that can hinder transformation—helping you build resilience and adaptability for the future.

Agility In Leadership Sessions

Course Sessions

Coming This 20-session track equips you with the skills, tools, and mindset to lead with agility and drive transformation. Through three ICAgile-accredited courses (ICP-BAF, ICP-LEA, and ICP-PDV), you’ll learn how to navigate complexity, foster innovation, and build adaptive, people-centric organizations.

5 Sessions of Business Agility Foundations (ICP-BAF)

  • Explore why leadership must evolve in response to today’s fast-changing environment. Understand the gap between traditional leadership mindsets and what modern teams need to perform at their best.

  • Discover how leadership styles impact agility. Explore the evolution of leadership models, the role of power and influence, and the key competencies leaders must develop to drive transformation.

  • Great leadership starts with self-awareness. Learn how cognitive biases influence decision-making and explore tools to develop self-leadership, emotional intelligence, and resilience.

  • Put self-leadership into action. Learn the Clear Leadership Model and apply coaching, feedback, and conflict resolution techniques to enhance collaboration and trust in teams.

  • Effective leadership is built on strong communication. Develop skills in narrative leadership, storytelling, and productive conversations to engage, inspire, and influence others.

Vad som gör våra utbildningar unika

Interaktivt lärande

Våra utbildningar bygger på interaktivt grupparbete, där deltagarna lär av varandra genom delade erfarenheter och kunskap under engagerande gruppdiskussioner.

Professionell certifiering

Kursen leder till en professionell certifiering hos ICAgile. För att säkra en solid lärandeupplevelse har alla våra kurser definierade lärandemål och är ackrediterade av ICAgile, en ledande global organisation inom agil ackreditering och certifiering.

Agile People Campus 
(vår läringsplattform)

När du deltar i våra utbildningar får du tillgång till vår kursplattform, där du kan lära teori och fördjupa dig ämnen i din egen takt.

Praktiska verktyg och nytt nätverk

Utbildningen ger dig nya färdigheter och praktiska verktyg samtidigt som du etablerar värdefulla kontakter. För att inspirera till vidare utveckling organiserar vi regelbundna evenemang som ytterligare berikar din lärandeupplevelse.


Kommande utbildningar

Förbättra dina yrkeskunskaper med våra utbildningar som leder till ett ICAgile-certifikat. Utbildningarna genomförs av våra erfarna instruktörer och är utformade för att höja din kompetens med både nya koncept och praktiska exempel, så att du lättare kan navigera i en hektisk och ständigt föränderlig vardag.

Anmäl dig nu och ta nästa steg vidare i din utveckling.

Förbered dig för framtiden med vårt program av integrerade kurser

Business Agility Foundations

Upptäck hur du kan anta ett anpassningsbart tankesätt och uppnå affärsagilitet. Denna kurs erbjuder viktiga insikter och perspektiv för att hjälpa dig att förbättra organisatorisk smidighet i dagens dynamiska och innovativa affärsmiljö.

Leading with Agility

Skaffa dig självinsikt för att bättre kunna leda andra. Förbättra dina ledarskapsfärdigheter genom att utveckla ett flexibelt och smidigt förhållningssätt. Denna kurs hjälper dig att hantera ledarskapets komplexiteter med smidighet och anpassningsförmåga.

Leading & Growing People

Skapa en miljö som inbjuder till psykologisk trygghet där medarbetarna kan  blomstra. Du lär dig hur du främjar utvecklingen hos andra, samtidigt när du utövar ett människocentrerat ledarskap. Skaffa verktygen som behövs för att öka ditt teams framgång.


Discover how to adopt an agile mindset and achieve business agility. This course offers vital insights and perspectives to help you enhance organizational agility in today's dynamic and innovative business environment.

ICP-BAF Blue.png
Image by Adomas Aleno

Start by leading yourself to lead others effectively. Improve your leadership skills by developing a flexible and agile approach. This course helps you manage the complexities of leadership with agility, people-centrism, and adaptability.

ICP-LEA Blue.png
Team Hugging

Build an environment that supports growth and empowers individuals to thrive. This course teaches you how to promote the development of others, embodying an agile mindset as a leader or manager. Gain the tools and strategies needed to boost your team's success.

ICP-PDV Blue.png

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ICP-BAF Blue.png

Business Agility Foundations

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Agility In
Leadership Track

Three Key
Courses Combined

Into One Dynamic Program

Read more about the three courses that make up this program by clicking the images or find out more about the learning outcome for each course by pressing the buttons.

Working in Office

Vem passar utbildningen för

HR Professionals

For those looking to modernize HR practices, align them with agile princ-iples, and enhance employee experience while supporting organizational growth.

Leaders & Independent Professionals

For those at any level seeking to build adaptable organizations, grow through self-leadership, and inspire teams to navigate complexity with confidence.​


Coaches & Consultants

For those who want to deepen their expertise in enabling organizational agil-ity, fostering collaboration, and supp-orting leaders and teams in transformation.

  • Learn how to create adaptable organizations by implementing agile methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban, and Lean Startup. Develop the ability to prioritize work, foster continuous feedback, and align strategies with customer needs in a rapidly changing environment.

  • Build leadership agility by understanding how to shift between different leadership roles, foster self-awareness, and make effective decisions even in complex, uncertain situations. Gain insights into power dynamics, influence, and leadership behaviors that drive success.

  • Learn how to create an environment where teams feel psychologically safe, self-organized, and motivated to innovate. Explore tools for effective delegation, talent development, and team coaching to ensure sustainable high performance.

  • Master the ability to respond proactively to change by using emergent strategies and value-driven decision-making. Gain techniques to assess and transform organizational culture, address structure/culture misfits, and lead strategic shifts effectively.

  • Strengthen your ability to communicate with clarity and impact through storytelling, active listening, and conflict resolution. Develop practical skills to facilitate productive conversations, provide meaningful feedback, and lead with emotional intelligence. 

This Course is Designed To...

equip you with the tools and mindset to
succeed in today’s dynamic business landscape.

What You'll Learn

Develop Your Skills

Throughout this track, you will gain practical tools and strategies to:

Course Structure

Choose the option that works best

for you:

Ten Online Sessions:

Flexible and engaging two- and three hour sessions delivered virtually.

Two-Day Immersive Workshop:

A focused and comprehensive in-person experience.

This Course is Designed To...

equip you with the tools and mindset to
succeed in today’s dynamic business landscape.

What You'll Get

This Track Provides

A well-rounded learning experience that equips you with the essential skills, tools, and certifications to lead with agility. Whether you're looking to improve decision-making, foster high-performing teams, or drive organizational change, you'll gain the knowledge and practical applications needed to make a lasting impact.

📚 HR Agility & Adaptive Strategies

Master the principles of Agile HR and Business Agility to build adaptive, people-centric strategies that drive long-term success.

🧠 Smarter HR Decision-Making

Gain the confidence to make strategic decisions that enhance flexibility, workforce resilience, and business alignment.

🌱 Transformative HR Practices

Learn to integrate agile methods into HR processes—redefining recruitment, onboarding, talent development, and performance management.

💬 Enhanced Collaboration & Leadership

Develop key skills to foster transparency, drive engagement, and position HR as a leading force in organizational transformation.

🔄 A Future-Proof HR Function

Create a culture of continuous learning and agility, ensuring HR remains adaptable in an evolving business landscape.

🎓 Recognized Agile HR Certification

Earn the ICP-BAF (Business Agility Foundations) and ICP-AHR (Agile People HR) certifications to solidify your expertise and career growth.

  • Master the principles of Agile HR and Business Agility to build adaptive, people-centric strategies that drive long-term success.

  • Learn to integrate agile methods into HR processes—redefining recruitment, onboarding, talent development, and performance management.

  • Learn to integrate agile methods into HR processes—redefining recruitment, onboarding, talent development, and performance management.Learn to integrate agile methods into HR processes—redefining recruitment, onboarding, talent development, and performance management.

  • Develop key skills to foster transparency, drive engagement, and position HR as a leading force in organizational transformation.

  • Create a culture of continuous learning and agility, ensuring HR remains adaptable in an evolving business landscape.

  • Earn three prestigious certifications: ICP-BAF (Business Agility Foundations), ICP-LEA (Leadership Agility), and ICP-PDV (People Development).

Course Structure

Choose the option that works best

for you:

Ten Online Sessions:

Flexible and engaging two- and three hour sessions delivered virtually.

Two-Day Immersive Workshop:

A focused and comprehensive in-person experience.

This Course is Designed To...

equip you with the tools and mindset to
succeed in today’s dynamic business landscape.

What You'll Get

Deepen Your Understanding

Deepen your understanding of Agile HR and Business Agility, enriched with practical tools, frameworks, and real-world applications.

📚 HR Agility & Adaptive Strategies

Master the principles of Agile HR and Business Agility to build adaptive, people-centric strategies that drive long-term success.

🧠 Smarter HR Decision-Making

Gain the confidence to make strategic decisions that enhance flexibility, workforce resilience, and business alignment.

🌱 Transformative HR Practices

Learn to integrate agile methods into HR processes—redefining recruitment, onboarding, talent development, and performance management.

💬 Enhanced Collaboration & Leadership

Develop key skills to foster transparency, drive engagement, and position HR as a leading force in organizational transformation.

🔄 A Future-Proof HR Function

Create a culture of continuous learning and agility, ensuring HR remains adaptable in an evolving business landscape.

🎓 Recognized Agile HR Certification

Earn the ICP-BAF (Business Agility Foundations) and ICP-AHR (Agile People HR) certifications to solidify your expertise and career growth.

  • Master the principles of Agile HR and Business Agility to build adaptive, people-centric strategies that drive long-term success.

  • Learn to integrate agile methods into HR processes—redefining recruitment, onboarding, talent development, and performance management.

  • Learn to integrate agile methods into HR processes—redefining recruitment, onboarding, talent development, and performance management.Learn to integrate agile methods into HR processes—redefining recruitment, onboarding, talent development, and performance management.

  • Develop key skills to foster transparency, drive engagement, and position HR as a leading force in organizational transformation.

  • Create a culture of continuous learning and agility, ensuring HR remains adaptable in an evolving business landscape.

  • Earn the ICP-BAF (Business Agility Foundations) and ICP-AHR (Agile People HR) certifications to solidify your expertise and career growth.

Upcoming Agility In Leadership Track Training

Secure Your Seat

Secure your seat in our next Agility In HR training here.

Learn more about ICP-BAF here

Agility In Leadership Track

The Agility in Leadership Track

Each session in this track provides a structured, hands-on learning experience designed to build your expertise in business agility, leadership, and people development. This track includes three ICAgile-accredited courses: Business Agility Foundations (ICP-BAF), Agile Leadership (ICP-LEA), and Agile People Development (ICP-PDV). You'll gain practical tools, strategies, and frameworks that you can immediately apply to enhance decision-making, drive innovation, and empower teams.


Agility In HR (ICP-AHR)

5 Sessions of ICP-AHR

  • HR is no longer just about policies—it’s a strategic driver of business agility. This session explores how HR can design adaptive workforce planning, develop competency-based strategies, and support organizational transformation. Learn how to use tools like employee journey mapping and the T-shaped HR model to create a more flexible and responsive HR function.

  • Discover how Agile frameworks like Scrum, Kanban, and Value Stream Mapping can revolutionize HR workflows. This session provides hands-on insights into optimizing talent management, using OKRs for goal alignment, and crafting HR-specific user stories to improve employee experience and HR efficiency.

  • Traditional performance management is outdated. This session covers continuous feedback-driven performance models, adaptive compensation strategies, and incentive structures that align with Agile values. Learn how to apply the 95/5 approach to create a performance culture focused on accountability and continuous growth.

  • Recruiting and onboarding must be fast, flexible, and aligned with Agile principles. In this session, you’ll learn how to attract top talent, prioritize cultural fit and diversity, and create seamless onboarding processes that engage new hires from day one.

  • A learning culture is essential for agility. This session explores real-time feedback mechanisms, Agile learning strategies, and engagement techniques that keep employees motivated and continuously developing. Learn how to create an HR function that drives professional growth and long-term employee retention.

Business Agility Foundations (ICP-BAF)

5 Sessions of ICP-BAF

  • In a fast-changing world, organizations must be adaptable to stay competitive. This session explores how agility enhances business strategy, enabling teams to respond quickly to change, improve decision-making, and drive innovation. Learn how Lean Startup, MVP development, and Value Stream Mapping can be applied beyond IT to optimize business processes.

  • Agility isn’t just about speed—it’s about creating lasting value. This session focuses on how self-organizing teams, Agile leadership, and customer-driven decision-making contribute to business resilience. Explore VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) principles and how they shape effective strategy in an Agile organization.

  • Agile methodologies provide the structure for adaptability. This session introduces key frameworks like Scrum, Kanban, and Value Stream Mapping, giving you the tools to prioritize work, optimize workflows, and improve efficiency. Learn how to apply Agile methodologies across business functions to foster alignment and deliver customer value faster.

  • Agility is more than just a process—it’s a mindset. This session focuses on understanding and managing complex system dynamics using tools like Polarity Management, the Cynefin Decision-Making Model, and the Ladder of Inference. Develop the skills to shift perspectives, make better decisions, and drive meaningful change within your organization.

  • Agile organizations are built for long-term adaptability and innovation. This session ties together key Agile principles, exploring how to create a culture of agility that supports both people and business objectives. Learn how to overcome structure/culture misfits, sustain transformation efforts, and foster an environment of continuous learning and improvement.

Leading With Agility (ICP-LEA)

5 Sessions of ICP-LEA

  • In a fast-changing world, organizations must be adaptable to stay competitive. This session explores how agility enhances business strategy, enabling teams to respond quickly to change, improve decision-making, and drive innovation. Learn how Lean Startup, MVP development, and Value Stream Mapping can be applied beyond IT to optimize business processes.

  • Agility isn’t just about speed—it’s about creating lasting value. This session focuses on how self-organizing teams, Agile leadership, and customer-driven decision-making contribute to business resilience. Explore VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) principles and how they shape effective strategy in an Agile organization.

  • Effective leadership begins with self-awareness. Learn how to identify personal leadership patterns, biases, and mindsets that impact decision-making. Explore techniques for improving self-reflection and emotional intelligence to become a more intentional and impactful leader.

  • Strong leaders create environments where teams can thrive. Learn how to develop coaching and mentoring skills to empower team members. Discover the Clear Leadership model and explore how to provide feedback, navigate conflicts, and build a culture of continuous growth.

  • Communication is at the heart of agile leadership. Master techniques for facilitating productive conversations, managing resistance, and creating alignment. Learn how to use storytelling and effective dialogue to engage teams and drive transformation.

Förbered dig för framtiden med vårt program av integrerade kurser

Business Agility Foundations

Discover how to adopt an agile mindset and achieve business agility. This course offers vital insights and perspectives to help you enhance organizational agility in today's dynamic and innovative business environment.

Leading with Agility

Start by leading yourself to lead others effectively. Improve your leadership skills by developing a flexible and agile approach. This course helps you manage the complexities of leadership with agility and adaptability.

Leading & Growing People

Build an environment that supports growth and empowers individuals to thrive. This course teaches you how to promote the development of others, embodying an agile mindset as a leader or manager. Gain the tools and strategies needed to boost your team's success.

Vem passar utbildningen för

Coaches & Consultants


Leaders & Independent Professionals

Leaders, HR professionals, agile coaches, and business partners seeking to integrate agility into leadership and HR. Ideal for those driving transformation, enhancing collaboration, and fostering continuous learning in a rapidly evolving business landscape.

HR Professionals



This program is designed for:

  • Implement agile principles to enhance adaptability, efficiency, and strategic decision-making. Learn how to respond effectively to change and uncertainty while maintaining business stability.

  • Cultivate a leadership approach that prioritizes trust, autonomy, and psychological safety. Understand how to guide teams through change, promote self-organization, and enable growth.

  • Build a culture of collaboration, accountability, and continuous improvement. Gain skills to foster innovation, optimize team dynamics, and encourage agile mindsets across the organization.

  • Strengthen your ability to assess business challenges, make data-driven decisions, and guide transformation efforts in complex environments.

  • Master storytelling, feedback, and conflict resolution techniques to create alignment, boost engagement, and drive meaningful conversations within teams.

You'll Learn

Agility In Leadership Track

This program provides practical strategies, leadership frameworks, and communication techniques to help you navigate complexity and create high-performing teams.


Choose the option that works best for you.

Immersive Workshop:

A focused and comprehensive

in-person experience.

Twenty Online Sessions:

Flexible and engaging two- and three hour sessions delivered virtually.

Förbättra dina yrkeskunskaper med våra utbildningar som leder till ett ICAgile-certifikat. Utbildningarna genomförs av våra erfarna instruktörer, antingen som en 2-dagars workshop eller tio 2-timmars online-sessioner. Kurserna är utformade för att höja din kompetens med både nya koncept och praktiska exempel, så att du lättare kan navigera i en hektisk och ständigt föränderlig vardag.

Anmäl dig nu och ta nästa steg vidare i din utveckling.

Förbättra dina yrkeskunskaper med våra utbildningar som leder till ett ICAgile-certifikat. Utbildningarna genomförs av våra erfarna instruktörer, antingen som en 2-dagars workshop eller tio 2-timmars online-sessioner. Kurserna är utformade för att höja din kompetens med både nya koncept och praktiska exempel, så att du lättare kan navigera i en hektisk och ständigt föränderlig vardag.

Anmäl dig nu och ta nästa steg vidare i din utveckling.

Förbättra dina yrkeskunskaper med våra utbildningar som leder till ett ICAgile-certifikat. Utbildningarna genomförs av våra erfarna instruktörer, antingen som en 2-dagars workshop eller tio 2-timmars online-sessioner. Kurserna är utformade för att höja din kompetens med både nya koncept och praktiska exempel, så att du lättare kan navigera i en hektisk och ständigt föränderlig vardag.

Anmäl dig nu och ta nästa steg vidare i din utveckling.

Förbättra dina yrkeskunskaper med våra utbildningar som leder till ett ICAgile-certifikat. Utbildningarna genomförs av våra erfarna instruktörer, antingen som en 2-dagars workshop eller tio 2-timmars online-sessioner. Kurserna är utformade för att höja din kompetens med både nya koncept och praktiska exempel, så att du lättare kan navigera i en hektisk och ständigt föränderlig vardag.

Anmäl dig nu och ta nästa steg vidare i din utveckling.

Förbättra dina yrkeskunskaper med våra utbildningar som leder till ett ICAgile-certifikat. Utbildningarna genomförs av våra erfarna instruktörer, antingen som en 2-dagars workshop eller tio 2-timmars online-sessioner. Kurserna är utformade för att höja din kompetens med både nya koncept och praktiska exempel, så att du lättare kan navigera i en hektisk och ständigt föränderlig vardag.

Anmäl dig nu och ta nästa steg vidare i din utveckling.

Förbättra dina yrkeskunskaper med våra utbildningar som leder till ett ICAgile-certifikat. Utbildningarna genomförs av våra erfarna instruktörer, antingen som en 2-dagars workshop eller tio 2-timmars online-sessioner. Kurserna är utformade för att höja din kompetens med både nya koncept och praktiska exempel, så att du lättare kan navigera i en hektisk och ständigt föränderlig vardag.

Anmäl dig nu och ta nästa steg vidare i din utveckling.

Förbättra dina yrkeskunskaper med våra utbildningar som leder till ett ICAgile-certifikat. Utbildningarna genomförs av våra erfarna instruktörer, antingen som en 2-dagars workshop eller tio 2-timmars online-sessioner. Kurserna är utformade för att höja din kompetens med både nya koncept och praktiska exempel, så att du lättare kan navigera i en hektisk och ständigt föränderlig vardag.

Anmäl dig nu och ta nästa steg vidare i din utveckling.

Kommande utbildningar

Förbättra dina yrkeskunskaper med våra utbildningar som leder till ett ICAgile-certifikat. Utbildningarna genomförs av våra erfarna instruktörer, antingen som en 2-dagars workshop eller tio 2-timmars online-sessioner. Kurserna är utformade för att höja din kompetens med både nya koncept och praktiska exempel, så att du lättare kan navigera i en hektisk och ständigt föränderlig vardag.

Anmäl dig nu och ta nästa steg vidare i din utveckling.

10 Sessions of Agile People Development (ICP-PDV)

  • Understand the core principles of agility beyond frameworks, focusing on trust, collaboration, and adaptability. Learn how leadership behaviors shape engagement and create a culture of continuous learning and innovation.

  • Explore how organizational learning drives culture and performance. Learn to build engagement-driven strategies, remove barriers to growth, and support an agile, knowledge-sharing environment.

  • Shift from static career paths to adaptive development, aligning personal aspirations with business needs. Learn to foster self-driven learning and build a workforce that thrives in change.

  • Move from task-based delegation to outcome-driven leadership. Learn to hire for mindset and adaptability, ensuring long-term success and team resilience in agile environments.

  • Leverage neuroscience to enhance motivation, engagement, and learning. Apply the SCARF model to improve team performance, psychological safety, and productivity.

  • Build individual and team learning paths that align personal growth with organizational success. Foster self-assessment, ownership, and continuous professional development.

  • Leadership isn’t a title—it’s a skill. Learn how to develop self-leadership, accountability, and influence, enabling individuals to lead from any position within the organization.

  • Create high-performing, self-organizing teams by balancing autonomy with alignment. Establish clear roles, improve decision-making, and enhance team accountability.

  • Master giving and receiving feedback to foster trust and growth. Learn conflict resolution techniques to navigate difficult conversations and strengthen team dynamics.

  • Cultivate an inclusive environment where diverse perspectives fuel innovation and problem-solving. Ensure teams feel safe to voice opinions, challenge ideas, and take risks.

  • Learn through group work and discussions for hands-on, practical learning.

  • Walk away with actionable frameworks and techniques ready for immediate use.

  • Continue learning with exclusive resources and a professional network.

  • Explore Earn the ICAgile-accredited ICP-BAF certification to showcase your expertise.

You'll Get

Agility In Leadership

Gain the knowledge, tools, and certifications to lead with agility, empower teams, and drive meaningful change.

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Build Adaptive Leadership for a Changing World

Program Overview

The Agility in Leadership Track is designed for leaders, HR professionals, and change agents looking to develop the mindset, skills, and strategies needed to lead adaptive organizations. This program equips participants with the tools to foster business agility, empower teams, and create a culture of continuous learning and innovation.

This program combines three ICAgile-accredited courses:


Business Agility Foundations (ICP-BAF) – Understanding agility at the enterprise level, shifting from rigid structures to empowered teams, and enabling organizations to thrive in uncertainty.


Leading with Agility (ICP-LEA) – Expanding leadership range, developing emotional intelligence, fostering trust, and driving organizational transformation.


Agile People Development (ICP-PDV) – Shifting from people management to people development, creating a feedback-driven culture, and empowering employees to take ownership of growth and innovation.

By integrating Agile leadership, Lean, and people development strategies, this track prepares leaders to navigate complexity, inspire teams, and build organizations that are resilient, future-ready, and continuously evolving.

Agile People Development (ICP-PDV)

10 Sessions of ICP-PDV

  • People are the foundation of business agility. Learn how agile values and principles shape HR and talent management. Discover how organizations can create high-performing, learning-driven cultures that enable people to thrive.

  • Organizations that embrace continuous learning are more adaptable and innovative. Explore how different learning models impact culture, engagement, and retention. Learn strategies to foster a growth mindset and integrate continuous learning into business operations.

  • Leaders and HR professionals play a critical role in shaping learning cultures. Learn how to role-model continuous development, create an environment that encourages experimentation, and help individuals unlock their full potential.

  • Hiring the right people and delegating effectively are key to organizational success. Explore how to design hiring processes that prioritize values and culture fit. Learn techniques for delegation that empower employees while ensuring accountability and alignment with business goals.

  • Understanding human motivation enhances learning and development strategies. Explore neuroscience-backed techniques for increasing motivation, engagement, and knowledge retention. Learn how the SCARF model can help design effective learning experiences.

  • Learning is personal, but it must align with organizational goals. Discover how to design individualized development plans that balance personal aspirations with business needs. Explore tools for self-assessment and career growth planning.

  • Leadership exists at every level of an organization. Learn how to cultivate self-leadership and help employees develop their leadership styles. Explore techniques for building confidence, fostering collaboration, and leading without formal authority.

  • Agile organizations thrive when teams take ownership of their work. Learn how to create conditions for self-organization, distribute decision-making, and enhance team accountability. Explore real-world examples of self-managing teams and their impact on performance.

  • Feedback is essential for continuous improvement. Learn how to create a feedback-driven culture that encourages transparency, trust, and growth. Explore practical tools for delivering and receiving feedback in ways that enhance performance and development.

  • High-performing teams embrace diversity and psychological safety. Learn how to create an inclusive workplace that fosters collaboration and innovation. Develop conflict resolution skills to manage differences effectively and turn conflicts into opportunities for learning and growth.



Build agile organizations with strategic thinking and adaptability.



Agile Leadership (ICP-LEA) – Developing self-leadership and communication skills to lead effectively.



Foster a culture of continuous learning, motivation, and collaboration.

Agility in Leadership Track

Program Overview

This track empowers HR and leaders to build agile, people-first organizations by redesigning structures, optimizing value flow, and fostering continuous learning. Learn to develop talent, enhance hiring, and drive innovation through Agile principles.

Earn three ICAgile-accredited certifications while gaining a deep understanding of leadership and agility.

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