[Italian] Agile People Coach Track

Foundation + HR + Leadership + Coach

ICP-BAF + ICP-LEA + ICP-AHR | 20 Online Sessions

Read an article about the Agile People Coach here

Feedback from participants in previous courses:

  • I’m so happy that I found this course, it has inspired me to change my agenda for my career and business content. I want to spread the Agile mission!
  • Fantastic!
  • Great work, great instructor, and great team! I loved the whole journey
  • Awesome course
  • Great experience, really enjoyed it!

In the future of work, HR and Managers will need to take an Agile People Coaches’ role, with the necessary competence in basic human needs, behaviors, teamwork, and how to support an emerging strategy towards the organization’s purpose.

An Agile People Coach is working inside an organization as an employee or a consultant and wants to spread the principles and values to every corner of the company. You want to bounce ideas and get inspired by a community of like-minded people who have the same goal: increasing business agility and helping organizations on their learning journey/transformation by supporting HR and Leaders to attain an agile mindset.

The Agile People coach is an alternative career for traditional managers and HR professionals. An Agile People Coach is more than an Agile Coach, although the basic understanding of agile values, agile tools and methods, systems theory, and organizations are the same. The difference lies in the deeper People’s perspective. During this training, you will learn how to coach people to find a place where they can be the best they can be and create conditions for people to perform together.

This training can lead to Professional Certifications in Business Agility FoundationsAgility in HR, and Leading with Agility with Agile People and ICAgile.

During the Agile People Coach training, we cover 3 perspectives:

Individual perspective (YOU)

Knowing yourself and why you do what you doThe Reiss Motivation Profile (RMP) shows your basic needs and motives and contributes to a better understanding of yourself and your leadership.

Developing yourself and understanding biases, mind traps, and how to avoid judging
Communicating effectively using storytelling and visualization are powerful tools.

Coaching others to find their perfect place in the organization taking their personality, interests, and passions into account

Team perspective (WE IN OUR TEAM)

How to increase the pace from immature to mature high-performing teams, using skills for communication, leading, coaching, and conflict resolution

How to grow and develop teams to be independent and empowered to make their own decisions, for example, about their contribution to the organization’s goals or their salaries

Organizational perspective (ALL OF US)

How to balance an agile culture with an agile structure, providing enough support for emerging strategies where all people are involved in setting the direction (via OKRs or other kinds of relative targets)

How to work to change behaviors – accomplishing an agile mindset and culture through removing limiting structures like annual budgets linked to fixed performance targets and individual bonuses

Create conditions for a Learning organization where it’s ok to make mistakes and learn from them, which requires a platform of Psychological Safety

Target Audiences

  • Agile Coaches who want to understand how to help HR and Leaders to attain an agile mindset and support them in change initiatives
  • Leaders or HR professionals at any level in an organization who aspire to lead an organization on a business agility journey
  • Leaders who see the value of growing an agile organization and are committed to developing themselves as agile leaders to achieve that aim
  • Anyone wishing to learn about the paradigm shifts necessary to lead in adaptive environments and to develop relevant leadership and HR capabilities to support the change
  • HR-Consultants, Management Consultants, Change Managers, or Agile Coaches who want to use the Agile People course content and exercises as part of their product portfolio.

Agile People Coach / Trainer with Agile People

After the training, you can become a partner with Agile People and offer courses from your own company or as a consultant/employee in a larger organization. Contact Pia-Maria Thorén at [email protected] to find out more about this option.

Training Program

For this training, you will participate in 20 online 2-3 hour sessions over 2 months or the whole year. If you miss a session, you can take it back in the next course round.

B01 12/02 h 08:30 – 11:30 The Need for Business Agility

B02 14/02 h 08:30 – 11:30 Emergent Strategy and Value Creations

B03 16/02 h 08:30 – 11:30 Frameworks Tools and Techniques

B04 19/02 h 08:30 – 11:30 New Ways of Thinking and Behaving

B05 21/02 h 08:30 – 11:30 Business Agility as New Normal

H01 20/03 h 08:30 – 10:30 How HR’s role is Changing when we need to Increase Business Agility

H02 22/03 h 08:30 – 10:30 How HR can use Tools and Practices from Agile

H03 25/03 h 08:30 – 10:30 Goals and Performance Management and Compensation and Benefits

H04 27/03 h 08:30 – 10:30 Talent Acquisition and On-Boarding

H05 29/03 h 08:30 – 10:30 Learning and Development and Employee Engagement

L01 03/04 h 08:30 – 10:30 The Why & What of Leading with Agility

L02 05/04 h 08:30 – 10:30 Behaviors that Enable Agility

L03 08/04 h 08:30 – 10:30 Knowing & Connecting with Yourself

L04 10/04 h 08:30 – 10:30 Developing & Leading Ourselves

L05 12/04 h 08:30 – 10:30 Skillful Communications

C01 15/04 h 08:30 – 10:30 Agile Coaching and the Four Roles of a Coach

C02 17/04 h 08:30 – 10:30 The Agile People Coach – a new Role for HR and Managers

C03 19/04 h 08:30 – 10:30 Professional Coaching

C04 22/04 h 08:30 – 10:30 My Motivation Profile as a base for Self-leadership

C05 24/04 h 08:30 – 10:30 Conflict Coaching

Session B1-5 Agile People Foundation

Session B1: The Need for Business Agility

In today’s Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA) environment, business agility is more and more critical for success. New values and principles and self-organizing teams with the right mix of cognitively diverse people close to the customer experience and empowered to make decisions are the new competitive edge.

Session B2: Emergent Strategy and Value Creation

Aligning teams around a strong purpose and focusing on generating a vision is essential to providing inspiration and creating high performance. It’s imperative to empathize with customers to maximize customer value and make it visible to focus on value creation.

Session B3: Frameworks Tools and Techniques

Agile is about adapting to change. You adapt to the customers’ changing needs and work according to priorities to deliver the biggest value for the customer first. Using a Lean StartUp approach, you can test your hypothesis with a Minimum Viable Product. Using Scrum, Kanban, Value Stream Mapping in the whole company is not different from using it for Software development. What are examples, and how can you design your processes using the agile ways of working?

Session B4: New Ways of Thinking and Behaving

The ability to recognize and understand complex adaptive system dynamics accelerates the path towards Business Agility. It is not only our organization’s dynamics that we should understand and manage with “Polarity Management” and “Cynefin Decision Making Model”; but also our personal thinking & behaving patterns by the concept of the “Ladder of Inference.”

Session B5: Business Agility as the New Normal

In today’s fast-moving and complex environments, we need to be much more responsive and adaptable to navigate the complexity. To do that, we need to:

  • Understand how to make sense of business challenges when things keep changing
  • Be able to make decisions and act when we don’t have all the information we feel we need
  • Create the conditions to allow the right culture to grow for everyone to perform at their bestIn this session, we will recap the impact on business.

Due to our VUCA world, we will explore what is needed in the business to embrace agility, deepen understanding about the structure/culture misfit, and why transformation can fail.

Session H1-5 Agile People HR

Session H1: How HR’s role is Changing when we need to Increase Business Agility

Design the talent/people elements needed to help support an Agile transition in an organization and explain how different contexts can influence the approach. Job titles, competency profiles, titles, career, succession – how do we do it in an agile organization? User stories for HR and a T-shaped HR person. Employee Journey mapping – pain points. Examples and cases.

Session H2: How HR can use Tools and Practices from Agile

Using Scrum, Kanban, Value Stream Mapping, and OKRs for HR is not so different from software development. What are examples, and how can you design talent/people processes using the agile ways of working? User stories for HR – what do they look like? Examples and cases of Agile HR in reality.

Session H3: Goals and Performance Management and Compensation and Benefits

Appraise current performance management practices and identify ways of bringing Agile thinking to enhance performance, accountability, and growth—95/5 Exercise. Describe and contrast traditional incentive structures with Agile-friendly structures, discuss the pros and cons of each approach, and explain how you could apply them to your own environment.

Session H4: Talent Acquisition and Onboarding

Design a sourcing strategy that you can use to find and acquire the “right” people to support the organization’s strategic growth taking values, culture, diversity, and collaboration into the hiring decision. Design an onboarding experience that enables new employees to become a part of the organization rapidly and smoothly.

Session H5: Learning and Development and Employee Engagement

Suggest ways to enable and support a learning mindset in a team, supporting the shift from focusing on deficiencies to focusing on developing new skills and capabilities. Recommend different motivational tools to be applied in a context and describe how the traditional employee engagement survey is changing.

Session L1-5 Agile People Leadership

Session L1: The Why & What of Leading with Agility

In this session, we explore the changing environment & dynamics that call for a different leading and following approach. We look into the misalignment between what managers think drives their people and what people – knowledge workers – expect from the people managing and leading them. Finally, we explore our own personal understanding and expectations.. what are some of the attitudes, expectations, and concrete behaviors we expect to see from people who lead with agility.

Session L2: Behaviors that Enable Agility

When you wish to make a radical change or transformation, understanding three things enables you to make the shift. Where are we coming from, where are we now, and where are we heading toward? In this session, we explore the evolution of leadership theories and which leadership styles and approaches they have given birth to. We determine what is still relevant.. and what needs to change. A big part of that shift comes from understanding the nature of Power & Influence, and how we gain power might be changing. Finally, we look into specific qualities & competencies we can cultivate and develop to increase our own personal agility.

Session L3: Knowing & Connecting with Yourself

If we cannot understand and embrace ourselves, we have little hope for fully understanding and accepting others. Understanding why we react to things in certain ways gives us the insights and ability to choose our responses better and change how we show up in our interactions. Leading others starts with developing our own self-leadership. In this session, we explore ways to map and become more aware of our own experiences. We dive into heuristics – cognitive biases – to understand how they work and influence our thinking, how we can become more aware of them, and most importantly.. how we can counter them.

Finally, we explore specific leadership mind traps and how we can unlock those mind traps to show up in better ways as leaders.

Session L4: Developing & Leading Ourselves

Having gained some insights into how we can know and connect with ourselves to choose how we respond to situations and show up in our interactions with others, it’s now time to put that into practice. We familiarise ourselves with the Clear Leadership model developed by Gervase Bushe and develop the 4 selves of the Leader.. the Aware Self, the Descriptive Self, the Curious Self, and the Appreciative Self.

We explore several different contexts where we can put these into practicto better check in with people, give and receive effective feedback, step into coaching leadership, and defuse conflicts through creating interpersonal clarity.

Session L5: Skillful Communication

Communicating effectively, relating to others, creating and maintaining healthy interactions, having productive conversations, and ultimately influencing others requires both practice and understanding effective communication dynamics. In this session, we work on the dynamics of effective communication through the lenses of several mental models, the dynamics of productive conversations, and the power of effective storytelling to move and influence others. We explore 3 types of stories we can learn to identify and narrative patterns that help you tell compelling stories as a leader.

Session C1-5 Deep dive into Agile People Coaching

Session C1: Agile Coaching and the Four Roles of a Coach

Mentoring, teaching, facilitating, and coaching are the stances of an Agile Coach – they need to master all of them to be successful and pick the right stance depending on the organization, situation, and people. But what is the difference between an Agile Coach and an Agile People Coach?

Session C2: The Agile People Coach – a new Role for HR and Managers

In this session, we examine the nine roles of the Agile People Coach and a self-assessment – how skilled are you in the different roles and where do you need to improve? What are the skills that you need to add as a regular Agile Coach, Leader, or HR person if you want to increase your agile & people skills and to be able to call yourself an Agile People Coach? We look at scenarios for practicing when to take what role.

Session C3: Professional Coaching

To understand the Agile Coach and the Agile People Coach’s roles, you need to also have some knowledge in Professional Coaching and know how to formulate and ask suitable questions to guide and lead a person to understand what needs to be done in any situation.

Session C4: My Motivation Profile as a base for Self-leadership

Who you are and what makes you do what you do is very personal and different from others why. Communicating with people who are different from yourself and knowing how to understand what makes other people do what they do and how they are different/similar to you is crucial competence in agile environments. We develop My washing instructions and discuss how your needs affect your life and work.

Session C5: Conflict Coaching

Exploring conflict theory and finding the right balance between harmony and healthy conflict in a team or organization is key when moving towards high-performing teams. In this session, you learn different models for dealing with conflict, understanding conflict escalation and different types of conflicts, and handling conflict in a team.

Agile People – a global community

You are welcomed into the international Agile People community, a global network of agile professionals working together to help organizations increase agile values using principles, tools, methods, and models. The vision is to create better organizations with happier employees and higher adaptability to cope with the changing reality.

After the training, you can subscribe to the training material and the exercises you can use in your own organization or with your clients. Maybe you work today in an HR role or have been a leader for a shorter or longer period. Or maybe you are an agile coach who feels ready for deeper challenges and understanding regarding people and how HR and leaders need to change so that you can support them in their future roles.


Do I need any pre-competence?

You don’t need any pre-competence to attend the online course. We are tailoring the course for the participants and your level. As a bonus, you will learn how to use modern digital tools, like digital Canvases, Video meeting platforms, Kanban boards, etc.

How does the process look for this training?

We will use virtual online tools to communicate, learn and interact. You will need a good internet connection and an undisturbed workplace where you can have a quiet background. We will work in break-out sessions in Zoom and use our community platform for communication between the instructor-led sessions. We will go through all practicalities during the first session.

Are the sessions scheduled on specific days at specific times?

Yes, the sessions take place according to a schedule for the year that has been predetermined. If you miss a session, you can always take it back at a later session.

After training completion, what is the process to become ICAgile Certified?

The certification process requires finalizing the certification assignment and answering several questions after each session. When the assignment is finalized (approved with feedback from us), you can buy your ICAgile certificate in our shop. We will make your certificate download available from ICAgile via a link. The Agile People Certificates are included in the training price after finalizing the course, and there are separate certificates for the modules Foundation, HR, Leadership, and Coach.

Course Leader

Your course leader and facilitator is Emanuele Moscato.

He’s a Consultant and an Agile Change Agent and the founder of VARIACTION change consulting & grounding

Online Delivery

We are working with Zoom for interactive discussions and team exercises, Mural as the digital canvas, and our community platform for communication between the sessions. In addition, you will get access to a Learning Management System (on agilepeople.com) that contains an overview and detailed information about videos, articles, documents, and case stories for all sessions, including links to all of the tools used in training. You will also get access to Pia-Maria’s three books in digital format.


She is the author of the books” Agile People – A Radical Approach for HR and Managers (That Leads to Motivated Employees),” the “Agile People Picturebook,” and Agile People Principles – Your Call to Action for the Future of Work. All three books are included in digital format in this course. 
There will be some work after every session, so add about 3 hours more every week. We will distribute course literature and material digitally. You will accomplish the certification assignment between the sessions to be ready on the last session’s day.

Events Cancellation Policy

If you should have to cancel your registration, a notification in writing should be sent to [email protected]. Please make sure you state the name of the conference/event in the subject line of your email.

  • We will refund 85% for cancellations received 60 days before the start of the event.
  • We will refund 50% for cancellations received 59 days and 31 days before the event starts.
  • We will refund 25% for cancellations received 30 days and 14 days before the event’s start.
  • We will issue no refund for cancellations received within 14 days of the event.
  • You are allowed to send a colleague


Feb 12 2024 - Apr 24 2024


08:30 - 10:30








VARIACTION change consulting & grounding srl
VARIACTION change consulting & grounding srl
+39 3357581795
[email protected]

AGILI NEL CAMBIAMENTO Se siete intenzionati ad accrescere la flessibilità e l’agilità della vostra azienda, se volete migliorarne l’attrattività o il clima interno, rendere più fluidi i processi e magari acquisire la capacità di individuare e coltivare i talenti, se in sintesi volete trasformare la vostra organizzazione affinché resti competitiva in un mondo VUCA, probabilmente state anche pensando a un progetto di change. E se questi sono i vostri pensieri, Variaction può essere una risposta interessante, per due motivi principali. Il primo è l’efficacia del suo approccio sistemico al cambiamento, il secondo è che non si occupa solo di consulting, ma anche di grounding, ovvero della messa a terra e implementazione del vostro progetto. Naturalmente ci sono molti altri ottimi motivi, ma potrete leggerli nelle pagine del nostro sito, oppure contattandoci direttamente senza nessun impegno.


  • Emanuele Moscato
    Emanuele Moscato

    I spent several years working in large companies in different areas (business development, marketing, sourcing, organization, digital innovation) measuring myself in different fields, from software simulation and validation, to strategic sourcing and finally to organizational methodologies. In these experiences I was able to put into practice what I learned in my studies and learn new things using my ability to see and my propensity to think out of the box. Now is the time to help companies improve themselves by providing them with an external, competent and sometimes visionary, point of view. That’s why I decided to take care of companies, and even before the people who make them live, from outside as a consultant. Specialties: Agile, Lean Six Sigma, Innovation, Change Management, Counseling and life coaching.

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Agile People Agility in Finance

Program - Agile People Leadership Cohort

Program - Agile People Coach

The Agile People coach is an alternative career for traditional managers and HR professionals. It can also be relevant for Agile Coaches, as well as management consultants, who want to understand how to help HR and Leaders to attain an agile mindset and support them in change initiatives.

This training can lead to Professional Certifications in Business Agility Foundations, Leading with Agility, and Agility in HR with Agile People and ICAgile.

Program - Agility in HR Track

The program is for HR professionals at all organizational levels; it is equally essential with the insight the program provides whether you work in L&D, Rewards, or Talent Acquisition.

The program also suits coaches and consultants wanting to support HR and the organization through an Agile transformation.

This training can lead to Professional Certifications in Business Agility Foundations, Agility in HR, and People Development with Agile People and ICAgile.

Program- Agility in Leadership

The program is for leaders, aspiring leaders, and other professionals interested in growing themselves and creating an environment for others to grow and thrive.

The program is also relevant for coaches and consultants supporting agile journeys and organizational change.

This training can lead to Professional Certifications in Business Agility Foundations, Leading with Agility, and People Development with Agile People and ICAgile.

Agile People Developement

From People Management to People Development

Recognizing People Development as Fundamental to Enabling Business Agility

Explain the fundamental ingredients for a human-centric culture that enables continuous development and learning. Identify gaps in their organization and contrast different approaches to shifting to a more development-oriented culture


Developing Yourself as it Relates to Developing Others

Conduct a self-assessment as it relates to personal development needs. Identify tendencies that may block or foster development. Prepare a roadmap for self-development in these areas.

Leading to Elevate Organizational Capability

Compare and contrast elevating and delegating behaviors. Apply these concepts to their context.

Developing Individuals

Considerations for Individual Development

Apply several techniques to create an environment for individual development, explain why these techniques work from a neuroscience perspective, and then identify ways they can apply these to themselves and their organization.

Co-creation of Growth and Development Plans         

Demonstrate techniques that help surface an individual’s strengths, passions, interests, etc., and explain how you would approach a scenario where an individual’s development path does not align with the organization’s needs.

Developing Leadership in Others

Apply techniques for developing leadership in others in a way that leaves space for them to adopt their authentic style. Demonstrate advanced techniques for providing feedback and approaching difficult conversations.

Developing Teams

Key Factors that Promote Team Development

Show through examples and their own experience how self-organization and team development are inherently linked. Show the leader’s role in encouraging self-organization and continuous learning.

Setting Teams Up for Success       

Explain potential impediments to team success and describe ways to balance individual, team, and organizational factors to maximize development at all three levels.

Honouring Diverse Experiences, Knowledge, and Backgrounds

Describe techniques that can help create a safe culture for continuous learning and high performance. Explain the power of bringing diverse experiences to the table.

This certification was designed explicitly for leaders where one or more of the following criteria apply:

  • Leaders at Front Line Supervisor level and above who lead teams of people, or those on their way to becoming Front Line Supervisors
  • People at any level who lead or aspire to lead in an organization on a business agility journey
  • Leaders who see the value of growing a collaborative, human-centric organization and are committed to developing themselves, the people on their teams, and organizations to achieve that aim
  • Those at a middle-management to director level and above who lead teams, departments, and/or organizations
  • Those who lead teams in an organization in which agile constitutes a significant delivery methodology (or is on its way to becoming so)

This training can lead to a certification by International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile), a certification and accreditation body if you perform the Certification Assignment and send it to your trainer within three months after the training. ICAgile works with course providers to accredit new or existing courses against comprehensive and proven Learning Outcomes. ICAgile collaborate with worldwide agile thought leaders to develop learning programs that lead people to agile mastery. Learn more about ICAgile

Agile People is an ICAgile Member Organization, and this is an ICAgile Accredited Course.


For this training, you will participate in a 2-day in-person workshop or ten online sessions á 2 hours. 

Day 1 or Session D1-10 Agile People Development

Session D1: Introduction to Agile People Principles and the Online Training setup
The foundation of Agile Peoples’ mindset is about the principles, values, methods, and tools we need to start using to release competence and innovation – and what we stop doing. This session is an introduction to each other and how we run the training.

Session D2: Types of Learning and the Effect on the Culture
Individual agility influences organizational agility. Here, we describe ways to increase engagement within organizations. Assessing the culture, we recommend how to create a continuous learning culture. What are the factors that would promote vs detract from this kind of culture?

Session D3: Being a Role Model for Continuous Development
Evaluation of your attitudes towards learning and the importance of self-development and the development of others within the organization. Unlearning existing knowledge and beliefs becomes essential in order to create opportunities for new learning to happen. The insight that learning is an organizational competency tied to certain behaviors of people – how can we avoid the wrong behaviors and amplify those that support a learning culture?

Session D4:  Delegating Outcomes and Hiring to Elevate
Focusing more on delegating outcomes than tasks impacts the organisation's learning and development. How can we delegate, and what delegation techniques are there? How do we limit the way we delegate responsibility and decision-making? Contrast hiring to elevate vs hiring to delegate and provide examples of where hiring to elevate has been done.

Session D5Early Focus on Motivation and Brain-Based Learning
When joining a new team, learning your own way starts early in the onboarding process. Your motivational factors will decide within what areas and how you would like to develop yourself. The SCARF model helps to understand how your brain works and what learning techniques work with your brain, not against it. What is the difference between you and other team members, and how can you overcome these to work well together?

Session D6: Developing your Learning Journey
Explain here how to co-create development plans and encourage individual ownership of development. What tools can be used in self-evaluation with individuals and teams in your organization to identify strengths, passions, and interests? How to link personal development plans to align with organizational needs, and what happens when personal and company goals do not align?

Session D7: Everybody needs to be a Leader and find their Unique Style
Leadership at every level is necessary and valuable in an agile organization. Self-leadership becomes a must for every employee; for most people, it’s also about helping to lead others. Finding your leadership style is essential – you need to be authentic. Here, we also learn how to approach difficult conversations that challenge behavior without undermining the dignity of the individual.

Session D8: Self-organizing for Collective Outcomes in a Suitable Environment enables Team Accountability
We learn here why self-organizing can make the team move quicker through team development stages and what leadership skills are required to speed up the process and shape the environment. Different physical environments impact a team’s ability to collaborate and learn towards a common, collective purpose when moving through team development stages.

Session D9: Providing Effective Feedback and setting up the Team to Succeed in the Larger System
We look at how to encourage open, multi-directional, and timely feedback within teams and how teams can relate and be visible in the larger organization. What impact could organizational conditions, such as imperative structures, have on the team and the relationships between team members? What scenarios are there, and when should we intervene?

Session D10: Diversity, psychological safety, and conflicts in teams
There are many benefits of diverse teams over homogenous teams, and if there is psychological safety, cognitive diversity can maximize collaboration conditions. We examine how working together can create more value when we have a trusting, safe team environment. What are the leadership qualities that become important here, and how can leaders contribute to creating a climate of healthy conflict?

Your course leader and facilitator vary depending on location and dates. See more details in the events

We all have different learning patterns; some look for general knowledge, while others prefer to go more in-depth. So we have tried to build a learning experience that fits most.
All our courses are available online on our Agile People Campus, and you will be invited to Campus before the training starts. The course is divided into sessions with a learning theme. Before each session, you are asked to watch a 20-30 min course video and read some relevant articles.
In the training session, we will meet via Zoom and work on Mural, an interactive digital canvas. You will work in small breakout rooms with different exercises, and we will debrief discussions and activities in the main room. For many, the best learning experience happens when you share experiences and views with other participants.

If you would like to go more in-depth after the online session, additional reading is available on Campus. All participants can also read our books during the course. As a minimum, we recommend that you watch the course video before each session.

To qualify for a course certificate, you need to do a certification assignment to show that you understood the learning objectives. During the training, we will provide more information, and we believe you would need to spend at least 2-3 hours on the certification assignment.

We all have different learning patterns; some look for general knowledge, while others prefer to go more in-depth. So we have tried to build a learning experience that fits most.

All our courses are available online on our Agile People Campus, and you will get an invitation to Campus before the training starts.

The course is divided into sessions with a learning theme. Before each session, you are asked to watch a 20-30 min course video and read some relevant articles. You can also watch the videos after the training as you get access to the Campus for three months after the training.

In the workshop, we go through concepts, work in groups with different exercises, and share learnings, reflections, and experiences. For many, the best learning experience occurs when different views and experiences are shared. If you would like to go more in-depth after the online session, additional reading is available on Campus.

All participants can also read our books during the course. As a minimum, we recommend you watch the course video before each training.
To get a course certificate, you must do a certification assignment. We will provide more information during the training, though we believe you would need to spend at least 2-3 hours on the certification assignment.

Agile People Business Agility Foundation

Articulate the drivers for business agility in the economy and their business environment. Demonstrate techniques for team collaboration and customer focus as part of the necessary mindset shift.

Participants can develop a compelling vision for success, analyze the impacts of change on the broad community of stakeholders and appraise which approach and tools to use given different contexts.

Participants can outline key new ways of thinking for individuals and organizations and map them to their potential impacts on value generation.

Participants can formulate and demonstrate differentiating behaviors using hypothetical or real-world situations from their own experience.

Participants can appraise and utilize a variety of frameworks, tools and techniques on either hypothetical or real-world challenges covered by these learning outcomes.

Anyone interested in the paradigm shifts necessary to enable organizational agility in today's innovative business climate will find the Business Agility Foundations course compelling.

Although this is a generalist certification and an entry point to several ICAgile tracks, it is not intended to be a direct substitution for the ICAgile Certified Professional credential.

Those already holding the ICP are likely to find this course compelling, especially if they are on a journey towards business agility outside a software development context.

This training is certified by International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile), a certification and accreditation body. ICAgile works with course providers to accredit new or existing courses against comprehensive and proven Learning Outcomes. ICAgile collaborate with worldwide agile thought leaders to develop learning programs that lead people to agile mastery. Learn more about ICAgile.

Agile People is an ICAgile Member Organization, and this is an ICAgile Accredited Course.


For this training, you will take part in a 2-day in-person workshop or five online sessions á 3 hours. 

Day 1 or Session B1-3 Agile People Business Agility Foundation

Session B1: (A+B - 3h) - The Need for Business Agility

In today’s Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA) environment, business agility is more and more critical for success. New values and principles and self-organizing teams with the right mix of cognitively diverse people close to the customer experience and empowered to make decisions are the new competitive edge.

Session B2: (A+B - 3h) - Emergent Strategy and Value Creation

Aligning teams around a strong purpose and focusing on generating a vision is essential to providing inspiration and creating high performance. It’s imperative to empathize with customers to maximize customer value and make it visible to focus on value creation.

Session B3: (A+B - 3h) - Frameworks Tools and Techniques

Agile is about adapting to change. You adapt to the customers' changing needs and work according to priorities to deliver the customer's most significant value first. Using a Lean StartUp approach, you can test your hypothesis with a Minimum Viable Product. Using Scrum, Kanban, and Value Stream Mapping in the whole company is not so different from using it for Software development. What are examples, and how can you design your processes using the agile ways of working?

Day 2 or Session B4-5 Agile People Business Agility Foundation

Session B4: (A+B - 3h) - New Ways of Thinking and Behaving

The ability to recognize and understand complex adaptive system dynamics accelerates the path towards Business Agility. It is not only our organization’s dynamics that we should understand and manage with “Polarity Management” and “Cynefin Decision Making Model”; but also our thinking & behaving patterns by the concept of the “Ladder of Inference.”

Session B5: (A+B - 3h) - Business Agility as the New Normal

In today's fast-moving and complex environments, we need to be much more responsive and adaptable to navigate the complexity. To do that, we need to:

Understand how to make sense of business challenges when things keep changing
Be able to make decisions and act when we don't have all the information we feel we need
Create the conditions to allow the right culture to grow for everyone to perform at their best. In this session, we will recap the impact on business.
Due to our VUCA world, we will explore what is needed in the business to embrace agility, deepen understanding about the structure/culture misfit, and the reasons transformation can fail.

Your course leader and facilitator vary depending on location and dates.

See more details in the events

We all have different learning patterns; some look for general knowledge, while others prefer to go more in-depth. So we have tried to build a learning experience that fits most.
All our courses are available online on our Agile People Campus, and you will be invited to Campus before the training starts. The course is divided into sessions with a learning theme. Before each session, you are asked to watch a 20-30 min course video and read some relevant articles.
In the training session, we will meet via Zoom and work on Mural, an interactive digital canvas. You will work in small breakout rooms with different exercises, and we will debrief discussions and activities in the main room. For many, the best learning experience happens when you share experiences and views with other participants.

If you would like to go more in-depth after the online session, additional reading is available on Campus. All participants can also read our books during the course. As a minimum, we recommend that you watch the course video before each session.

To qualify for a course certificate, you need to do a certification assignment to show that you understood the learning objectives. During the training, we will provide more information, and we believe you would need to spend at least 2-3 hours on the certification assignment.

We all have different learning patterns; some look for general knowledge, while others prefer to go more in-depth. So we have tried to build a learning experience that fits most.

All our courses are available online on our Agile People Campus, and you will get an invitation to Campus before the training starts.

The course is divided into sessions with a learning theme. Before each session, you are asked to watch a 20-30 min course video and read some relevant articles. You can also watch the videos after the training as you get access to the Campus for three months after the training.

In the workshop, we go through concepts, work in groups with different exercises, and share learnings, reflections, and experiences. For many, the best learning experience occurs when different views and experiences are shared. If you would like to go more in-depth after the online session, additional reading is available on Campus.

All participants can also read our books during the course. As a minimum, we recommend you watch the course video before each training.
To get a course certificate, you must do a certification assignment. We will provide more information during the training, though we believe you would need to spend at least 2-3 hours on the certification assignment.

Agile People Leadership

Agile People principles and work methods – need to form the basis for decision-making in a complex environment where the only competitive advantage is learning faster than competitors.

The importance of Psychological safety – what it means and how we can work actively to create a working environment characterized by a standard view of how we can unlock everyone’s potential by making it ok to experiment and make mistakes and learn from them.

How to balance an Agile culture with Agile structures – while supporting an emerging strategy where people are involved in goal setting and creating a common direction (via OKRs or other types of relative goals instead of fixed budgets and performance goals)

How to work on behavioral changes in social systems to achieve an Agile mindset and Agile culture – by changing structural impediments (annual budgets linked to fixed performance goals and rewards).

To develop a Learning Organization –  by enabling collaboration between silos.

How management can support an Agile organizational transformation –  How to assess the current organizational structure and design a new structure that enables business agility, maximizes communication and collaboration within and 
among teams and enables the flow of value.

Why Agility in Leadership is Needed  – An understanding of why traditional approaches to management and leadership don’t always meet the needs of our transforming, in particular, leaders will self-assess to determine how they might need to change their behavior and attitudes to serve the needs of 21st-century organizations properly.

Leadership styles that increase Agility – Learn different types of leadership styles and the impact they have on motivating behaviors to increase learning, innovation and collaboration

Personal Agility  – How to develop yourself as a leader through self-assessment, self-management and mindfulness.

Relationship Agility – Models for emotional intelligence in the context of Agile organizations. Develop an awareness of the different systems within organizations, their often hidden dependencies, and how conflict can arise when they have incongruent agendas.

Exercising Agility in key conversations   – How to practice inquiry & advocacy skills, including framing invitations rather than demands and asking clarifying, opening, deepening, and provocative questions. Learn to enable high-quality conversations as a leader instead of always participating in them.

The Nature of Organizational Transformation and Agility – Describe how transformation differs from typical sponsored change initiatives. Point out that transformation generally implies a change in purpose or strategy that is radical and systemic. In contrast, sponsored change initiatives are more limited and typically focus on the how and less on the what and why. Explain how traditional organizational change models designed for limited change initiatives may not provide all leaders who need to navigate transformation.

Why Transformation is needed for Agility – Understand how established organizations must transform to develop agile capabilities. Describe how transformation is different from typical sponsored change initiatives. Point out that transformation generally implies a change in purpose or strategy that is radical and systemic. In contrast, sponsored change initiatives are more limited and typically focus on the how and less on the what and why. Explain how traditional organizational change models designed for limited change initiatives may not provide all leaders who need to navigate transformation.

  • Leaders or aspiring leaders at any level in an organization
  • People at any level who lead or aspire to lead in an organization on a business agility journey
  • Leaders who see the value of growing an agile organization, and are committed to developing themselves as agile leaders in order to achieve that aim
  • Anyone wishing to learn about the paradigm shifts necessary to lead in adaptive environments and to develop relevant leadership capabilities.

This training is certified by International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile), a certification and accreditation body. ICAgile works with course providers to accredit new or existing courses against comprehensive and proven Learning Outcomes. ICAgile collaborate with worldwide agile thought leaders to develop learning programs that lead people to agile mastery. Learn more about ICAgile

Agile People is an ICAgile Member Organization and this is an ICAgile Accredited Course.


You will participate in a 2-day in-person workshop or ten online sessions á 2 hours for this training. 

Day 1 or Session F1-5 Agile People Fundamentals

Session F1: Introduction to Agile People and Important Principles/Tools
The foundation of Agile Peoples’ mindset is about the principles, values, methods, and tools we need to start using to release competence and innovation – and what we stop doing. We discuss your challenges and go through the certification assignment. This session is an introduction to the agile way of working and thinking.

Session F2: Psychological Safety as a Foundation for a Learning Organization
The importance of an approach that is permeated by security and confidence to increase profitability and innovation is emphasized in this session – we need psychological safety to increase creativity through a culture where it is ok to fail fast and try again. We play “The Psychological Safety Game” to facilitate the dialogue about difficult topics

Session F3: Emerging Strategies, Structures, and Goals
Emerging strategies instead of long-term planning, new ways of working with strategy, budgets, goals, performance processes, and rewards. Using value stream mapping to optimize flows in a system instead of working with resource optimization and sub-optimization of departments. Mindset Slider exercise. WoWs to be used: Beyond Budgeting, OKRs, Impact Mapping, VSM, etc.

Session F4: Building Conditions for an Agile Culture
In this session, we explore how you can create conditions for a fantastic culture where people can perform at their optimal level and feel supported and secure. The gap between structures and culture/values is discussed. Structure – Culture Misfit Role Play. The importance of country culture for an Agile transformation.

Session F5: Creating conditions for Change
In today’s fast-moving environments and complex environments, we are challenged as people and as organizations to be much more responsive and adaptable to have the capacity to navigate in complexity. How can we make sense of things when things keep changing? How can we make decisions and act when most of the time, we don’t have all the information we need?

In this module, we explore VUCA, try out a sense-making and decision-enabling framework for leaders (CYNEFIN), and explore what enables our organizations to become genuine learning organizations.

Day 2 or  Session L1-5 Deep dive into Agile People Leadership

Session L1: The Why & What of Leading with Agility
In this session, we explore the changing environment & dynamics that call for a different approach to leading and following.  We look into the misalignment between what managers think drives their people and what people – knowledge workers specifically – expect from the people managing and leading them.  Finally, we explore our own personal understanding and expectations.. what are some of the attitudes, expectations, and concrete behaviors we expect to see from people who lead with agility.

Session L2: Behaviors that Enable Agility
When you wish to make a radical change or transformation, understanding three things enables you to shift.  Where are we coming from, where are we now, and where are we heading?   In this session, we explore the evolution of leadership theories and which leadership styles and approaches they have given birth to.  We determine what is still relevant.. and what needs to change.  A big part of that shift comes from understanding the nature of Power & Influence and how the ways in which we gain power might be changing. Finally, we look into specific qualities & competencies we can cultivate and develop to increase our own personal agility.

Session L3: Knowing & Connecting with Yourself
If we cannot understand and embrace ourselves, we have little hope for fully understanding and accepting others. Understanding why we react to things in certain ways gives us the insights and ability to choose our responses better and change how we show up in our interactions. Leading others starts with developing our self-leadership. This session explores ways to map and become more aware of our own experiences. We dive into heuristics – cognitive biases – to understand how they work and influence our thinking, how we can become more aware of them and most importantly.. how we can counter them.
Finally, we explore specific leadership mind traps and how we can unlock those mind traps to show up in better ways as leaders.

Session L4: Developing & Leading Ourselves
Having gained some insights into how we can know and connect with ourselves to choose how we respond to situations and show up in our interactions with others, it’s time to put that into practice. We familiarise ourselves with the Clear Leadership model developed by Gervase Bushe and how to develop the four selves of the Leader.. the Aware Self, the Descriptive Self, the Curious Self, and the Appreciative Self.
We explore several different contexts where we can put these into practice… to better check in with people, give and receive effective feedback, step into coaching leadership, and defuse conflicts by creating interpersonal clarity.

Session L5: Skillful Communication
Communicating effectively, relating to others, creating and maintaining healthy interactions, having productive conversations, and ultimately the ability to influence others requires practice and understanding of the dynamics of effective communication. In this session, we work on the dynamics of effective communication through the lenses of several mental models: productive conversations and the power of compelling storytelling to move and influence others.  We explore three types of stories we can learn to identify and narrative patterns that help you tell compelling stories as a leader.

Your course leader and facilitator vary depending on location and dates. See more details in the events

We all have different learning patterns; some look for general knowledge, while others prefer to go more in-depth. So we have tried to build a learning experience that fits most.
All our courses are available online on our Agile People Campus, and you will be invited to Campus before the training starts. The course is divided into sessions with a learning theme. Before each session, you are asked to watch a 20-30 min course video and read some relevant articles.
In the training session, we will meet via Zoom and work on Mural, an interactive digital canvas. You will work in small breakout rooms with different exercises, and we will debrief discussions and activities in the main room. For many, the best learning experience happens when you share experiences and views with other participants.

If you would like to go more in-depth after the online session, additional reading is available on Campus. All participants can also read our books during the course. As a minimum, we recommend that you watch the course video before each session.

To qualify for a course certificate, you need to do a certification assignment to show that you understood the learning objectives. During the training, we will provide more information, and we believe you would need to spend at least 2-3 hours on the certification assignment.

We all have different learning patterns; some look for general knowledge, while others prefer to go more in-depth. So we have tried to build a learning experience that fits most.

All our courses are available online on our Agile People Campus, and you will get an invitation to Campus before the training starts.

The course is divided into sessions with a learning theme. Before each session, you are asked to watch a 20-30 min course video and read some relevant articles. You can also watch the videos after the training as you get access to the Campus for three months after the training.

In the workshop, we go through concepts, work in groups with different exercises, and share learnings, reflections, and experiences. For many, the best learning experience occurs when different views and experiences are shared. If you would like to go more in-depth after the online session, additional reading is available on Campus.

All participants can also read our books during the course. As a minimum, we recommend you watch the course video before each training.
To get a course certificate, you must do a certification assignment. We will provide more information during the training, though we believe you would need to spend at least 2-3 hours on the certification assignment.

Agile People HR

Agile People principles and work methods – need to form the basis for decision-making in a complex environment where the only competitive advantage is learning faster than competitors.

The importance of Psychological safety – what it means and how we can work actively to create a working environment characterized by a standard view of how we can unlock everyone’s potential by making it ok to experiment and make mistakes and learn from them.

How to balance an agile culture with agile structures – while supporting an emerging strategy where people are involved in goal setting and creating a common direction (via OKRs or other types of relative goals instead of fixed budgets and performance goals)

How to work on behavioral changes in social systems to achieve an agile mindset and agile culture – by changing impediment structures (annual budgets linked to fixed performance goals and rewards).

To develop a Learning Organization –  by enabling collaboration between silos.

How HR can support an agile organizational transformation – How to assess the current organizational structure and design a new structure that enables business agility, maximizes communication and collaboration within and among teams and enables the flow of value.

Goal setting and performance management in a new way –  Appraise current performance management practices and identify ways of bringing Agile thinking to enhance performance, accountability and growth.

Salaries and benefits for an agile organization – Describe and contrast traditional incentive structures with Agile structures, discuss the pros and cons of each approach and explain how to apply them to organizations.

Agile role modelling –  How to develop an organizational action plan to model an agile mindset and build new skills to enable cross-functional teams.

Employee engagement in an agile manner – Recommend different motivational tools to be applied in a context and describe how the traditional employee engagement survey is changing.

Talent acquisition and the candidate experience –  Design a sourcing strategy that can be used to find and acquire the “right” people to support the strategic growth of the organization taking values, culture, diversity and collaboration into the hiring decision.

Agile learning –  Suggest ways to enable and support a learning mindset in a team, supporting the shift from focusing on deficiencies to developing new skills and capabilities.

Onboarding practices for agile companies –  Design an onboarding experience that enables new employees to become a part of the organization rapidly and smoothly.

Why the agile mindset is HR’s responsibility –  Design the talent/people elements needed to help support an Agile transition in an organization and explain how different contexts can influence the approach to be taken.

The needed changes in the HR core function –  Relate how the need for business agility affects the HR function and organization and how it impacts HR team members’ roles and behaviors.

Practical tools, templates and exercises for HR –  How an HR department can work with agile tools and methods, for example, with Kanban, Sprints, Scrum and Retrospectives.

The target audience for this training includes people working in an HR role in organizations transforming to more Agile ways of working. Their current responsibilities may include people development, recruitment, performance management, compensation, and employee engagement/motivation. They could have a specialist role or an HR Business Partner role.

Other target groups include Organizational Development Consultants, Change Managers, or Hiring Managers. Agile Transformation Leads exploring the people, and structural aspects of transformations will also find this curriculum compelling.


This training is certified by International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile), a certification and accreditation body. ICAgile works with course providers to accredit new or existing courses against comprehensive and proven Learning Outcomes. ICAgile collaborate with worldwide agile thought leaders to develop learning programs that lead people to agile mastery. Learn more about ICAgile

Agile People is an ICAgile Member Organization, and this is an ICAgile Accredited Course.


You will participate in a 2-day in-person workshop or ten online sessions á 2 hours for this training. 

Day 1 or Session F1-5 Agile People Fundamentals

Session F1-5 Agile People Fundamentals

Session F1: Introduction to Agile People and Important Principles/Tools
The foundation of Agile Peoples mindset is about the principles, values, methods, and tools that we need to start using to release competence and innovation – and what we stop doing. We discuss your challenges and go through the certification assignment. This session is an introduction to the agile way of working and thinking.

Session F2: Psychological Safety as a Foundation for a Learning Organization
The importance of an approach that is permeated by security and confidence to increase profitability and innovation is emphasized in this session – we need psychological safety to increase creativity through a culture where it is ok to fail fast and try again. We play “The Psychological Safety Game” to facilitate the dialogue about difficult topics

Session F3: Emerging Strategies, Structures, and Goals
Emerging strategies instead of long-term planning, new ways of working with strategy, budgets, goals, performance processes, and rewards. Using value stream mapping to optimize flows in a system instead of working with resource optimization and sub-optimization of departments. Mindset Slider exercise. WoWs to be used: Beyond Budgeting, OKRs, Impact Mapping, VSM, etc.

Session F4: Building Conditions for an Agile Culture
In this session, we explore how you can create conditions for a fantastic culture where people can perform at their optimal level and feel supported and secure. The gap between structures and culture/values is discussed. Structure – Culture Misfit Role Play. The importance of country culture for an Agile transformation.

Session F5: Creating conditions for Change
In today’s fast-moving environments and complex environments, we are challenged as people and as organizations to be much more responsive and adaptable to have the capacity to navigate in complexity. How can we make sense of things when things keep changing? How can we make decisions and act when we don’t have all the information we need?

In this module, we explore VUCA, try out a sense-making and decision-enabling framework for leaders (CYNEFIN), and explore what enables our organizations to become genuine learning organizations.


Day 2 or Session H1-5 Deep dive into Agile People HR

Session H1: How HR’s role is Changing when we need to Increase Business Agility

Design the talent/people elements needed to help support an Agile transition in an organization and explain how different contexts can influence the approach to be taken. Job titles, competency profiles, titles, career, succession – how do we do it in an agile organization? User stories for HR and a T-shaped HR person. Employee Journey mapping – pain points. Examples and cases.

Session H2: How HR can use Tools and Practices from Agile

Using Scrum, Kanban, Value Stream Mapping, and OKRs for HR is not so different from using it for Software development. What are examples, and how can you design talent/people processes using agile work? User stories for HR – what do they look like? Examples and cases of Agile HR in reality.

Session H3: Goals and Performance Management and Compensation and Benefits

Appraise current performance management practices and identify ways of bringing Agile thinking to enhance performance, accountability, and growth. 95/5 Exercise. Describe and contrast traditional incentive structures with Agile-friendly structures, discuss the pros and cons of each approach, and explain how you could apply them to your environment.

Session H4: Talent Acquisition and Onboarding

Design a sourcing strategy that can be used to find and acquire the “right” people to support the organisation's strategic growth, taking values, culture, diversity, and collaboration into the hiring decision. Design an onboarding experience that enables new employees to become a part of the organization rapidly and smoothly.

Session H5: Learning and Development and Employee Engagement

Suggest ways to enable and support a learning mindset in a team, supporting the shift from a focus on deficiencies to a focus on developing new skills and capabilities. Recommend different motivational tools to be applied in a context and describe how the traditional employee engagement survey is changing.


Your course leader and facilitator vary depending on location and dates. See more details in the events

We all have different learning patterns; some look for general knowledge, while others prefer to go more in-depth. So we have tried to build a learning experience that fits most.
All our courses are available online on our Agile People Campus, and you will be invited to Campus before the training starts. The course is divided into sessions with a learning theme. Before each session, you are asked to watch a 20-30 min course video and read some relevant articles.
In the training session, we will meet via Zoom and work on Mural, an interactive digital canvas. You will work in small breakout rooms with different exercises, and we will debrief discussions and activities in the main room. For many, the best learning experience happens when you share experiences and views with other participants.

If you would like to go more in-depth after the online session, additional reading is available on Campus. All participants can also read our books during the course. As a minimum, we recommend that you watch the course video before each session.

To qualify for a course certificate, you need to do a certification assignment to show that you understood the learning objectives. During the training, we will provide more information, and we believe you would need to spend at least 2-3 hours on the certification assignment.

We all have different learning patterns; some look for general knowledge, while others prefer to go more in-depth. So we have tried to build a learning experience that fits most.

All our courses are available online on our Agile People Campus, and you will get an invitation to Campus before the training starts.

The course is divided into sessions with a learning theme. Before each session, you are asked to watch a 20-30 min course video and read some relevant articles. You can also watch the videos after the training as you get access to the Campus for three months after the training.

In the workshop, we go through concepts, work in groups with different exercises, and share learnings, reflections, and experiences. For many, the best learning experience occurs when different views and experiences are shared. If you would like to go more in-depth after the online session, additional reading is available on Campus.

All participants can also read our books during the course. As a minimum, we recommend you watch the course video before each training.
To get a course certificate, you must do a certification assignment. We will provide more information during the training, though we believe you would need to spend at least 2-3 hours on the certification assignment.

Glad you want to learn more!

Hello! I am Ingela, and I work with the core team at Agile People. I’d love to connect woth you and explore potential solutions.

You can write me an email or schedule a meeting to discuss further!