Tailored Leadership Program for 200 managers

Tailored Leadership Program For 200 Managers

We customize training programs to meet the unique needs of our customers. As a testament to this, in the Spring of 2021, we successfully implemented a tailored Leadership Development program for 200 managers in the Baltic countries.

We are delighted to share the feedback received from our customer, Rimi Baltic:

Agile people were selected from a number of other training providers for the proven experience in organizing training and workshops for the companies as well as the knowledge in business agility and base of professional and valuable resources.

Engaging, fun elements and game-based practices have helped our team to absorb, understand and process a large amount of new information much more easily. 

Interactive training sessions in small groups allowed everyone to share different opinions, views, and experiences.

The prepared and recommended selected training material for the course was insightful and presented in different formats (video, text, articles, books) so that everyone could have a chance to learn how they like to do it.

This course has given our team enough understanding and will help us go through the company’s next stage in agile transformation.”

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